Equity Funding

In June 2024, SSTAR Lab released a literature review titled Adequacy and Equity in Education Finance: How can K-12 contexts inform higher education? In higher education, there is growing national interest in applying the K-12 concepts of “equity” and “adequacy” into higher education funding policies. Could these concepts prove useful in  addressing funding disparities in higher education? Read the report below to learn more. This work was generously funded by the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, and the Lumina Foundation.









In January 2024, SSTAR Lab released a report titled Designing higher education funding models to promote student success: An introduction to “capacity building” and “equity-building” funding principles. Below you can read the report, review the design principles, and access a resource guide that includes relevant literature on this topic. This work was generously funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Joyce Foundation.