Measuring College Funding Inequality

In partnership with the Foundation for California Community Colleges and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, we analyzed funding trends among California community colleges. We tested the extent to which financial resources (expenditures and revenues) are equally distributed across colleges. We also examined enrollment trends disaggregated by race/ethnicity and Pell-eligibility to determine whether traditionally under-represented students are over-represented among the least-resourced colleges. This work, which began in fall of 2020, extends ongoing research on the financial inequality of colleges and the role financial resources play on college access and student success. The full report for this project can be found here.

This dashboard represents a combination of data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System and the California Community Colleges’ Student Success Metrics data files to explore the financial characteristics of California’s community colleges over time. In this dashboard, users can select from multiple financial metrics, examine where community colleges fall along the distribution of those metrics, and explore student outcomes by hovering over a given college.

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