Due to COVID-19, the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents temporarily suspended its policy of requiring applicants to submit ACT or SAT scores as part of their application. The SSTAR Lab is partnering with …
Research Areas
Measuring College Funding Inequality
In partnership with the Foundation for California Community Colleges and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, we analyzed funding trends among California community colleges. We tested the extent to which financial resources (expenditures and revenues) …
Equity Funding
In June 2024, SSTAR Lab released a literature review titled Adequacy and Equity in Education Finance: How can K-12 contexts inform higher education? In higher education, there is growing national interest in applying the K-12 …
Student Loan Repayment
The SSTAR Lab partnered with Arnold Ventures and six research universities to share data on student loan repayment in order to support ongoing efforts to monitor, assess, and improve loan outcomes of former students. The …
Teacher Pledge Program
In the fall of 2020, the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s School of Education launched the Teacher Pledge program. This program is designed to strengthen and diversify Wisconsin’s teacher workforce by providing forgivable loans and covering testing/licensing …
FAFSA Filing in Wisconsin
2023 Data Brief: FAFSA Completion Rates Among 12th Graders in Wisconsin Public High Schools This data brief examines FAFSA completion rates for 12th graders in Wisconsin’s public high schools. Its purpose is to establish baseline …
Wisconsin College-Going Rates
2022 Data Brief: College-Going Rates Among Graduates of Wisconsin Public High Schools Posted: November, 2022 This data brief documents college-going rates among Wisconsin’s public high school graduates. It focuses on overall college-going rates and disaggregates …
Mapping Rural Colleges
In June, 2020, the SSTAR Lab partnered with Ascendium to undertake a year-long study on rural higher education. This project culminated in an interactive mapping tool and report based on new data from various sources including …
WI FAFSA Outreach Dashboard
This dashboard describes FAFSA filing rates and other characteristics of Wisconsin high schools for the purpose of identifying schools which may benefit from outreach efforts promoting FAFSA filing.
Pell Access and Outcomes Explorer
This tool aims to inform research and policy conversations on improving college access and success. Using data from the U.S. Department of Education, it examines college access and completion rates for Pell Grant recipients. Users …