Frequently Asked Questions

What does 'SSTAR' stand for?
Student Success Through Applied Research. It is pronounced like the word “star.”

When did the lab open?
February 8, 2019.

Where is the lab located?
We are housed in UW-Madison’s Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA). This proximity is key to our success because it creates natural partnerships between researcher and practitioners that are otherwise difficult to develop.

How does the lab go about its work?
We use a “research-practice partnership” model where researchers and practitioners co-develop questions together. This relationship-driven approach to research is uncommon, yet holds great promise for improving both research and practice.

Why does the lab use a research-practice partnership model?
Researchers and practitioners benefit greatly from one another’s expertise. Research is better when well-informed by practice. And practice is improved when it engages with research. This approach helps the lab develop and test new ideas for promoting student success.

What is an example of the lab’s work?
Bucky’s Tuition Promise is the lab’s first success story. It blends the best evidence from financial aid research with practical insights from financial aid administrators, resulting in an easy-to-understand commitment to low- and middle-income Wisconsin families.

What are some more examples?
Students’ financial aid eligibility can sometimes change from year to year, so the lab helped OSFA develop more predictable aid packages – particularly for low-income students receiving the federal Pell Grant. Similarly, the lab helped OSFA determine which Wisconsin high schools would benefit most from targeted financial aid outreach. We are actively providing data-driven support services to other units on campus to help identify and address areas of improvement.